«Ak Su KMG» LLP held a seminar with representatives of   — AK SU KMG
"Ak Su KMG" LLP held a seminar with representatives of Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of Astana and the Compliance Service of JSC NC "KazMunayGas"

To increase the anti-corruption culture among the employees of «Ak Su KMG« LLP, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Combating Corruption», on September 19, 2023, «Ak Su KMG« LLP held a seminar on the following topics:

— The concept of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026;

— Control over compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption;

— Compliance service and its activities, functions, purpose, etc.

This event was attended by representatives of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of Astana A.E. Kenebayeva and the compliance service of JSC «NC «KazMunayGas» Z. K. Mukasheva as well as the management and employees of «Ak Su KMG» LLP.

During the seminar, A.E. Kenebayeva spoke about the implementation of the Concept of Anti-Corruption Policy for the next five years and the main requirements of anti-corruption legislation, as well as anti-corruption policy, exclusion of corruption risks, anti-corruption innovations.

Also, according to the light of the day, Z. K. Mukasheva gave an explanation on the compliance service of JSC NC «KazMunayGas» and its subsidiaries, which ensures compliance by the Company and its employees with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption, compliance program and the main elements, principles, as well as the area of responsibility, etc.

Actions of a Hotline through which an employee can report facts of corruption, discrimination, unethical behavior and other violations.

In order to have a preventive effect, the participants of the meeting were shown videos about citizens committing corruption crimes and serving sentences.

Answering questions from workers, the lecturers dwelled in detail on the essence of corruption, its content, purpose, subjects, forms and types, areas of implementation, and the peculiarities of its manifestation in all spheres of society.

As a result, the seminar participants determined that these seminars will be held on a regular basis and work will continue in «Ak Su KMG» LLP aimed at preventing corruption offenses and forming intolerance to corruption in general.